Mr. Tony Vella, VP Materials, of Vision Extrusions Inc. to Chairman of the Board

November 1, 2022

Mr. Tony Vella, VP Materials, of Vision Extrusions Inc. to Chairman of the Board

Vinyl Institute of Canada President & CEO and the Board of Directors are delighted to announce the election of Mr. Tony Vella, VP Materials, of Vision Extrusions Inc. to Chairman of the Board. Tony has served as a director, and Vice Chairman on the Vinyl Institute of Canada Board of Directors since 2016.

Tony comes to Chair’s role with a wealth of knowledge and expertise as a Chemical Engineer (U of T) specializing in Materials. As a member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Tony began his career in the plastics industry with Royal Plastics Ltd., in 1985. Subsequently, Tony’s career has influenced the automotive, building, and construction sectors respectively, in the plastics industry. In his current role as Vice President, Materials at Vision Extrusions Limited, in Woodbridge, Ontario, Tony oversees all aspects of material engineering and procurement. 

Tony’s technical expertise is well-known and highly respected in the vinyl industry through his on-going work as Chair of several technical committees within FGIA (formerly AAMA) including serving as Second Vice President of their Vinyl Materials Council, and involvement with ASTM, and various Working Groups in NRCan & NRC, contributing significantly to the advancements of the same in the vinyl sector.

The Vinyl Institute of Canada welcomes and is excited to have Tony Vella in place to take the vinyl industry in Canada to its next level of excellence!

Source: LinkedIn

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